Sally Gall

I emulated the photography of  Sally Gall.  She was born in Washington DC in 1956, but moved to Houston, Texas after attending college in 1978.  In 1987 she moved to New York City and has made it her permanent home.  Her main subject matter is nature and landscapes and her photographs are inspired by places she visits and observes while traveling.  Along with this she was inspired while working in formal gardens throughout Europe in the 1980s.  I decided to emulate Sally Gall's photographs because I liked her work and how she photographs things found in nature.  Also I enjoyed the photographs she has taken in color, even though most of her work is in black and white, because she only recently decided to photograph in color.  I emulated her work by using similar subject matter and style.  I photographed things i found in nature causing me to have a similar subject matter to her photos.  In addition to this I tried to make the subject of the photo in focus with everything else was out of focus in order to make my photographs similar to hers.